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"Allow myself to introduce…myself…"

My name is Diana Lisanto Driesch and I am an illustrator and graphic designer living in the Boston, MA area.  I am currently a product designer at VitalSource, where my work focuses on educational technology for publishers, institutions, and learners worldwide.  I consider my work polished and engaging and am admittedly somewhat of a perfectionist.  

I also am a freelance illustrator in my spare time.  I paint with acrylic on illustration board and have a very unique style to my work.  Weird things tend to engage people, and I try my best to keep my work in that vein.  I am currently working on an ABC book, which someday I hope to publish.   

In my free time I like to attempt to kick around a soccer ball, though muscle recovery afterward seems to be on the downturn.  I'm always interested in new and exciting projects so if you're offering, give me a call or send me an email.  I look forward to hearing from you!  




All Things Animals!
Children's Museum, Fall 2016
Group show - selected work: B - Boating Bumblebees & D - Dueling Dung Beetles

Free-Range ABC's
Newton Library, Newton MA, October 2015
Solo show with all ABC paintings

30 Under 30
Arsenal Center for the Arts, Watertown MA, January 2015
Curated by Aneleise Ruggles
Group show - selected work: D - Dueling Dung Beetles

Diana Lisanto Illustration
NR-W Art Gallery, Wolcott NY, Jan - Feb 2015
Solo show of full collection of work from elementary school to present.

Diana Lisanto Illustration
adbury Commons, Cambridge MA, Jan 2014
Solo show with all ABC paintings

Cambridge Open Studios
Cambridge, MA 2012-2014
Group show at various locations one weekend each year

Cambridge Foundry Equation: Solution Set
he Foundry, Cambridge MA, June 22 2013
Group show - All ABC paintings

World Ocean's Day
New England Aquarium, June 9 2013
Booth with aquatic animal coloring pages

CIGNA Falmouth Road Race Poster Contest
Second place winner 2010

Diana Lisanto Illustration
Equal Exchange Cafe, Boston MA 2010
Solo show with all ABC paintings